For several years now we have been aware of the need to build a chapel at Congo for Christ Centre (CCC). We are thankful to report that a generous partner has provided the funding and construction has already begun. The new chapel will be large enough to seat 500 adults or 1,000 or more children. The chapel will be used for Mango Tree School, worship services for the weekly feeding program which averages about 1,200 in attendance, as well as a church for CCC and the surrounding community. Hundreds of children who attend the feeding program have accepted Jesus as Savior and it is our desire that the new chapel will provide a Church for these children and their families. Even though the funding has been provided for the construction of the chapel there will be additional expenses not yet funded. The chapel will need seating, sound equipment, Bibles, hymnals and other necessary furnishings. If you would like to contribute to this fund, please designate your gifts for the CCC Chapel Fund.