We’re excited to announce that thirty-three teens recently graduated from the Bible School and Medical Vocational School in Tenali, India. A few of these young people will continue with more advanced medical training as funds become available. Most of them will be looking for jobs to employ their new skills in doctors offices, laboratories, and other medical clinics. Many of these are orphans who have been raised in one of the many Feed My People orphanages supported by Global Outreach. Some of the others are girls who have been rescued from working in brothels. During the summer break, the girls are learning other skills such as sewing and embroidery (pictured above). Please pray for these teens to be successful in finding jobs. If you desire to fund additional training for one or more of these girls, you can designate your offering to the Allan and Harle Eliason Scholarship Fund. Also, the younger orphans will all need back to school supplies as their classes begin June 12th.