For more than two years Global Outreach has been working to provide funding for a much needed security wall for Congo for Christ Center Orphanage in D.R. Congo. Since the beginning of 2015, we have sent funds as they became available and the first phase of the wall was completed last year at a cost of over $53,000.
Since the beginning of 2015, we have sent funds as they became available and the first phase of the wall was completed last year at a cost of over $53,000.
This portion of the construction included the brick lower section of the wall as well as structural work needed to make the wall foundation more secure. For the second phase of adding iron bars and gates, the remaining cost was estimated to be $29,000. We are happy to report, we recently sent another $15,000 toward completing the gates and half of the iron bars still needed for the upper portion of the wall.
We are happy to report, we recently sent another $15,000 toward completing the gates and half of the iron bars still needed for the upper portion of the wall.
Everyone at Congo for Christ Center and Mango Tree School is thrilled to see the progress on the wall. The children will be more secure from danger and unwelcomed intruders. The garden will also be better protected from goats and other animals who currently can still gain access. Taking on the security wall has been a very expensive project for Global Outreach. Your donations, large and small, are making it a reality.
Taking on the security wall has been a very expensive project for Global Outreach. Your donations, large and small, are making it a reality.
We cannot overemphasize how important this project is to our friends in Congo. For the sake of the children, will you consider an additional gift to help us complete the wall this summer?
For the sake of the children, will you consider an additional gift to help us complete the wall this summer?
We are down to the final $14,000 needed on this $83,000 project. God bless you!
Learn more about the Security Wall here.
Blog Post Adapted From Global Outreach Inc April 2017 Newsletter
Volume 32 Issue 4
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