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Congo For Christ Missionary Church Is Establishing A New Church In Sebele

Pastor Jeremiah is a man who carries in his heart a profound sense of pain and sorrow for a nation devastated by war and a powerful faith and hope for that nations healing and restoration. While we hear about the renewed violence and continued corruption in Congo, Pastor Jeremiah quietly and with a servant’s heart goes about the daunting task of building up the kingdom of God. He cares for orphans, trains new leaders in the Bible college, is the senior pastor of Congo for Christ Missionary Church and continually seeks ways to reach the lost for Christ. He knows the hope of Congo does not rest with the government, but rather with God working through the church. He firmly believes that investing in the lives of the 58 orphans at CCC will produce men and women of God who will bring about change in Congo.

The week before Christmas, Pastor Jeremiah was seeking new areas and ways to expand the ministry and outreach of Congo for Christ Missionary Church (CCMC). CCMC meets in their newly constructed church building that doesn’t have doors, windows, complete walls or a floor. They don’t have the funds to pay the pastor and other staff members, but they have a heart to win others to Christ. Pastor Jeremiah and another church leader, Pastor Ibucwa Lotomwa spent several days conducting house to house witnessing and visitation in the town of Sebele which is 124 kilometers south of Uvira in the Fizi district. They were able to establish a new church built on a nucleus of five families. After officially registering the new church with the government, Pastor Jeremiah shared his vision and burden for the people of Congo. They have been offered a 20 acre plot of land for $1500 for the new church. Pastor Jeremiah shared with me:

I tell you my dear sister, Sebele is a good place to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. People were more affected by the war, and they need somebody to encourage them.

CCMC is now five years old and feels the ur-gency to reach other areas for Christ. Pastor Lotomwa will lead the new congregation. If you would like to contribute to this new outreach please designate your gift for CCMC outreach ministry. Please pray for Pastor Lotomwa as he faces many challenges in establishing this new congregation in Sebele.

Dear partners, we believe God has much more that He wants to accomplish through the ministry of Global Outreach in 2013. Thank you in advance for your continued love, support, encouragement and participation with us as together we bring hope and change in the name of Christ to those who so desperately need our help.

To see more picture please download our January 2013 newsletter:

To learn more about our ministries in the Congo please visit:!congo/cf6u If you would like to donate to the new Congo For Christ Missionary Church outreach please visit our donation page:!donate/c1ghi

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