The long awaited moving day for 58 orphans in Congo finally arrived on January 14th. Even though there turned out to be an unexpected one week delay, that did not dampen the enthusiasm or spirits of the children. Last minute details, such as the purchase of mosquito nets for every bed, were completed. It is our joy to share a few of the pictures we have received from Pastor Jeremiah of this eventful day. Thank you faithful Global Outreach partners and may God richly bless you for making this dream a reality.
As you can imagine, even though the children are very happy to be living in their new home there are several challenges that have arisen. When one child becomes ill, it is easily and quickly spread to others. A doctor visits the children once a week, but he is asking for medicines to treat such common illnesses as fevers and diarrhea. Another area of need is to supply fuel for the generator so the children can have a few hours of electricity at night. Fuel to cook the food is also in great demand. Any gift to meet these essential needs will be put to good use.
To see more pictures from the big moving day please download our February 2012 newsletter:
To learn more about Global Outreach ministries in the Congo please visit:!congo/cf6u
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