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In early 2015, Global Outreach began supporting orphans at the House of Refuge in Myanmar (formerly Burma). Myanmar, is a sovereign state in Southeast Asia bordered by Bangladesh, India, China, Laos and Thailand with a population of around 52 million where Buddhism is the prominent religion.
House of Refuge is located outside the city of Yangon on a nice plot of land donated in 2013 to begin an orphanage. Pastor Cyrus holds weekly services at the house and invites neighbors to join with the children in worship. When we visited House of Refuge we were so impressed with the children as they sang, quoted scriptures, read a letter of thanks to Global Outreach donors, prayed, and listened to the Word of God.

Pastor Cyrus runs the House of Refuge Orphanage at great personal sacrifice. He struggles to support everyone on a small salary he receives as a Bible College teacher.
Pastor Cyrus and his wife Rebecka, who have two young daughters, run the orphanage alone and currently care for 16 orphans at great personal sacrifice. Pastor Cyrus struggles to support everyone on a small salary he receives as a Bible College teacher. Pastor Cyrus, his family, and all the orphans live in the same two room house. One of the rooms is a recent addition built by Global Outreach.
Despite these challenges Pastor Cyrus has continued to help orphans in need and are now providing, food, care, and plenty of Christian love for 22 children.

House of Refuge has continued to expand and help orphans in need. They are now providing food, care, and plenty of Christian love for 22 children.

After Global Outreach started to partner with House of Refuge, Pastor Cyrus shared the need for a water treatment system. In his words,
water is oily and smelly, it’s color changes into yellow after four or five hours of pumping in the water storage tank. Due to using dirty water, we all often suffer from stomach pain and diarrhea. The children get rashes and itchy skin from bathing in the water.
When we saw the water storage system they are using, we realized the problem was even worse than he described. Thanks to faithful Global Outreach supporters House of Refuge now has access to clean water and a means to store it safely with a well, water treatment filtration, and a storage tank.

House of Refuge now has access to clean water and a means to store it safely with a well, water treatment filtration, and a storage tank.
As you can see, Global Outreach's monthly support is critical to ensuring the needs of these orphans are met. Please pray for Pastor Cyrus, his family and these orphans as Myanmar is considered among the ten most violent states for Christians to live.