Orphan Care
Widow Care
Pastor Support
Ministry Support
Education & Training
Since 1988, Global Outreach has sponsored the work and ministry of Feed My People, led by Reverend Thomas and his wife, Mary Grace. At that time Reverend Thomas struggled to provide the bare necessities to care for the twenty orphans who lived in one thatched roof orphanage. Primarily through funding provided by Global Outreach, Feed My People now has twelve orphanages in outlying villages that house 110 orphans. In addition, there is a large three-story building that is home to 130 orphans. This facility also includes an elementary school for the orphans and housing for teen girls and boys, a medical vocational school and a Bible college.

Feed My People now has orphanages for 240 orphans, a school, a vocational school, and a Bible College.
Feed My People also rescues teenage girls from brothels and gives them vocational training and help with finding a job after graduation. The vocational training provides instruction in various medical skills such as lab technicians, and nursing skills. There are also several teen boys who have entered the medical training program to help transform their lives from a troubled past to becoming productive adults. The teens are taught the Bible and all of them have committed their lives to Christ while living at the orphanage.

The rescued teens are taught the Bible and all of them have committed their lives to Christ while living at the orphanage.

Reverend Thomas also runs a Bible College to train future leaders for the Church. Global Outreach helped build many of the two hundred village churches affiliated with Feed My People and supports 60 local pastors.

Global Outreach supports 60 local pastors in India.
Through the years Global Outreach has supplied funding for every outreach ministry of Feed My People. In addition to the monthly support for the orphans, teenage girls, pastors, and the building of orphanages and churches Global Outreach provides clothing, blankets, school supplies and school fees for the orphans; bicycles for ministers; emergency relief in response to cyclones, floods, and fires; blankets and clothing for the pastors and their families; tents and supplies for ministry conventions; medical care; generators and wells for the orphanages; support for lepers; and funding for evangelistic television ministry and the “Jesus” film project. Reverend Thomas expressed his thanks and appreciation for over twenty years of support stating "without Global Outreach, there would be no Feed My People."

Without Global Outreach, there would be no Feed My People.
Reverend Thomas,
head of
Feed my People,